DTL participates in TCDSB Perspectives Conference


Perspectives Conference – Reaction Time Workshop

Perspectives Conference – Reaction Time Workshop

The Division of Teaching Laboratories (DTL) continues its tradition of participating in the University wide Perspectives Conference in collaboration with the Toronto Catholic District School Board by offering a reaction time workshop. This is DTL’s fifth year participating in this initiative. This conference allows gifted students to experience the university setting and a multitude of workshops ranging from arts, engineering to science. In this hands-on workshop, 20 participants will get a glimpse of the physiology behind the simple “braking reaction.” Participants will have a chance to test out their reaction time, and compete with each other on a simulator for the fastest time. In addition students will also test out different “stress” factors that alter their reaction time.
image of classroom

Thank you to all of DTL’s staff and especially Betty Chan, Vis Lielbardis, Linna Wei and Artur Jakubowski for organizing this workshop.